Secured Internet Surfing for Kids

It is not a dream anymore!

Although the internet comes with lots of benefits for kids and nowadays as the world has shifted from regular classes to virtual classes. In this duration, children are spending more time spending on the computer, laptop, or tablet.

The point where the concern of parents arises when they wouldn’t be able to spend the whole duration with their kids while they are using the internet. They always search for a safe browser for kids where all the forbidden and adult sites are blocked.

We have the solution to this problem that “how to protect your kids” from surfing those unwanted and forbidden sites.

Our extension named “SAFE SEARCH” is the best choice for a safe experience of searching. Now, there’s a question in your mind that how a single extension can perform the task of “SAFE INTERNET SURFING”.

Here’s the answer to your queries:

This extension will ease your life in many ways. It would be the best choice for parents specifically to prevent their kids from visiting the unwanted site because these days children are so smart that they know the option of deleting history after surfing.

Enable “SAFE SEARCH” on your browser and make your internet surfing experience safe.